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Brief info

Name: D.B.
Age: 27
Location: Washington, D.C.
Religious Practice: Hoodoo

D.B. is a 27-year-old queer non-binary Hoodoo practitioner who has been practicing for 5 years. They use Hoodoo often in their daily life, from the use of footwork for protection and uncrossing to prayer and divination; they consult their guides often. Hoodoo has majorly affected their life by making them more confident, strong, and in touch with their purpose. It has brought them calmness and clarity in daily life by "guiding me through times of turmoil and confusion, providing clarity and groundedness where I was otherwise experiencing chaos."

D.B. suggests that new practitioners of Hoodoo should start slow and "not get caught up in the mainstream ideas" while instead finding a trustworthy mentor. For them, it is important to be respectful of closed practices and elders who guide those practices as "not everything is for everyone."