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Brief info

Name: GG
Age: 34
Location: Brooklyn, NY
Religious Practice: Ifa, Hoodoo

GG is a 34-year-old gay/lesbian man who practices a little Ifa and a little Hoodoo. He practices them by doing daily Ifa prayers, daily candle lighting, and praying with others. He also seeks to find "ways to reconnect to my highest self" and "reconnecting with the ori to refocus my day." GG's best advice is to utilize resources like social media to navigate "how to live a daily life." He says it's a good idea to connect with other people who are doing the things on the same pathway you are looking to do. Before connecting with someone you can trust to guide you, reading about a practice that interests you is the best way to start. Leveraging your relationships that way will lead to stronger connections with others.

With the practices GG has been doing, it has kept him accountable of keeping a routine everyday and has made him "a person of good faith, good character." He prays to someone and prays for himself. Every morning he uses tarot, which is his "own form of divination."

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