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Hoodoo and Lukumi

Brief info

Name: Jaye
Age: 30
Location: Atlanta, GA
Religious Practice: Hoodoo and Lukumi

Jaye is a 30-year-old queer woman who practices Hoodoo and Lukumi. Her ADR practice appears in all aspects of her life, such as through morning prayers and more involved ceremonials that set the tone for all that Jaye does. She deems it “as natural as breathing”. She says that practicing ATR has introduced her to religious discipline and committing to herself. She committed to ATR practices for herself and lacked the support of her immediate family. Jaye advises that those interested in practicing ATR “build a sustainable relationship with their ancestors before committing to a religious practice.” She says they “will lead you to where you need to be and help you tailor a practice that aids in the advancement of your lineage.”

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